I’ve often tried to understand what causes us to feel the jolt of inspiration that fuels creativity for a long time.
I figured if I could somehow identify it —perhaps a particular style of music, browsing specific works of art, a unique experience in nature, or something else—then I could whip it out as an activity whenever I was waning in enthusiasm! It could become my method to strategically give myself “a kick in the pants,” so to speak, by engaging again with what once moved me.
Yet when I reviewed the few triggers that I was aware of, I discovered that what moved me once could often leave me stone cold the next time!
Inspiration came in the oddest places at the strangest times, unbidden, and elusive.
All my years in galleries, managing its various duties or being represented, taught me that no matter how much I tried to pin down the reason someone was deeply moved by a work of art, it was an exercise in futility. There was no ONE thing, or even two, or three….
I’m not talking about trying to figure out what will sell.
That can be reasonably predicted. Colors and trends can be studied and followed, if one chose to do that. That was never my thing! People are irrational beings. They often bought art because it matched the colors of a room, was the right size, their favorite subject, a particular style, technique or medium, or just on a whim!
But what truly moved someone was an entirely different matter altogether!
What triggered that spark of inspiration within a human heart? Often those who were so moved could not afford to purchase the art, but that did not make their encounter with the work any less meaningful (at least not in my view!)
For me, the making of art has always been more than merely selling it.
God has created us so wonderfully unique. From the moment of conception, our stories, experiences, likes, dislikes… are distinct and infinitely varied. Inspiration of the sort that I am talking about—the stirring on the inside, that is something which He orchestrates, by His Spirit. It is as distinct and varied as we are—and entirely His work!
Often He graciously includes us, artists, in His process, giving each of us a unique role that no one else can play. Developing a high regard for that responsibility, cherishing its privilege and stepping out with concrete plans and accountability can be transformative for artists, who are otherwise timid, discouraged or inexperienced.
To that end, I’d like to recommend Matt Tommey and Created to Thrive: An Artist's Mentoring Program.
Christian artists should need no introduction to Matt, since he is a veteran mentor to so many through his books, podcast and YouTube channel. There’s no question that he is a huge blessing to Christian artists worldwide. I recommend his mentoring program, because it has the kind of solidity that is missing in most artist’s lives—guidance with accountability.
In the interest of full disclosure, I am an affiliate for his program, so if you decide to avail of his expertise in the business of art as a Christian artist, I will be receiving some financial benefit.
However, I'd never recommend him if I was not convinced that his guidance was biblically sound and necessary. The Lord uses his program to mentor artists who are ambivalent in their calling, strengthening their commitment by offering weekly business guidance, community, spiritual mentorship and much more.
The Palm & Pen School also serves Christian visual artists, just in a slightly different capacity. The School encourages creative thinking pertinent to faith. Artists will grow in understanding and stretch in faith for creative endeavors built on sound biblical principles. The courses offer a nuanced, poetically varied dive into viewing art through the lens of the Bible to encourage a lifetime of creativity.
"…from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." Ephesians 4:16
We each have our place, and our diverse roles are offered from the overflow of our experiences. It is our prayer that our work will cause “growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”
Our varying approaches are meaningful and necessary, immersed as we are in a brutal world where our spirits crave all the edification we can get.
Matt and I merely serve, leaving it to the Lord to minister some “spark of inspiration” through something we said, created, or did in faith. That is the Lord's work. The thrill of the adventure of faith is that He does use us for just that purpose—not only us, but every willing artist in His service! So, join us.