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 "As iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17 NKJV

Over the years, I've received many emails with wonderful insight on the personal challenges of being a Christian visual artist. Our concerns are similar, as are our hopes and dreams. Read  what others have said.

I write to encourage, explore, and honor, the calling we've received from the Lord as artists in this epoch of time. — Sara Joseph

"Oh, God bless you for developing this site!
The Lord led me here. I have been struggling with my God-given call of being an artist—at times trying to push it down and then, on the other hand, almost fearing what would come out, if I had the chance to pursue all the ideas the Lord had given me to minister using art!
Thanks again." — Erika W

"There are so many of us out there that have the desire to paint but lack the confidence needed to press through.
We all believe we are somehow supposed to be a master at art from the very beginning. Art is something that must be practiced. If there is the desire to do the Art then you should follow through and see where God leads you.

This is a great site of encouragement. I am so glad I found you!!!" — Melissa, Mobile, AL
Tube Lights
Thank you so much for your inspirational & encouraging website. Each section seemed to answer questions/concerns that I had.
I have only recently classified myself as an artist after others have encouraged me, along with the leading of the Holy Spirit. I was searching the web for similar types of Christ-inspired art when, I believe, I was divinely led to yours.
I too feel God is calling Christian artists to portray spiritual truths in dynamic ways.
Your website is truly a word in season! Blessings to you!" — Rebecca M

"I am touched by your clarity and sincerity. Without being patronizing, I would like to say well done for all your hard work in bringing this web site into being. God bless you." —Kate
Abstract Background
After hours of bitter, frustrated, disappointed tears my eyes now mist with hope and encouragement.
I was told two days in a row, by two separate people that pursuing art is impractical and very difficult. That which came from my father was most painful, though I know he is trying to look out for me.

I finally decided to step out and pursue God's call on my life to create art that teaches and glorifies Him. In that state of spiritual joy I was greatly discouraged by others' lack of excitement and general criticism of the idea.

However, in God's sovereignty I found my way to your website. I do believe I have a calling and I agree it is something sacred to be pursued, disciplined, and given back to God.

Thank you so much for creating this site and encouraging all the Christian artists. Thank you for taking us seriously. Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom. Thank you. God Bless! —Jennilee Porch

"Thank you and bless you for this site!!
I have been an artist for many years. About five months ago, the Lord spoke to me in a dream and said "Paint."  I've never painted, always used other media. This past year has been one of extreme struggle for me personally as I move closer to my destiny. Praise God for the freedom!!

So I thank you for your testimony. I feel as though the Lord led me to it. I've had major breakthroughs in my life, and now this is the next step for me bringing me closer to my destiny." — Maria N

"I have been in a downward spiral of procrastination and started searching the web for prayers to help me overcome this negative state as a person and an artist.

Then I came to your web page and I want to thank you ever so graciously, for what you are doing, and have done. It was like totally what I needed. Thank you for sharing w/us all and putting your ideas out there.

You are a brave and beautiful spirit. Thank you, thank you. I am still trapped right now, but I am going to do my best to meditate and pray. The power of prayer is such a blessing from God."  —Angelena U


When I see my fledgling work surrounded by the "more profound," more experienced work of other artists I cringe a bit. I even entered two calls for art right away just to set some initial goals for myself. I didn't win and was surprised by my reaction, but I grew and realized a lot just by doing those.


Am I the "pinky toe" of the body (ie: all the parts are necessary) or am I just kidding myself?

Maybe I don't belong there or maybe I should see it as a learning experience and most of all direction if my Lord wants me there.




I think I need to re-read your book at this point and all the articles on this site! I am going to think of you now as my personal art coach.


Can I cry on your shoulder from time to time?" —Wanda B



I can't believe that in this day and age there is such a straight forward site regarding being a Christian first,

and also being an artist!


When I started searching on the web, I didn't really think I would find anything meaningful, or useful.

But there you were - right where God had put you. Right where I could find you.


My concern was the amount of time and money I was spending on my art. Guilt drove me to seek a way to combine my art and service to God.


You have helped me a lot just knowing that this site is here. May God continue to anoint you with wisdom for the rest of us. Thanks,



Clouds Theme Room
It is true that pursuing the life of a Christian artist is full of challenges and struggles.
But God has given me a joy in seeing the world and interpreting it through drawing, painting, and designing from His creation.

God has always been my favorite artist, and He will always be the Master Artist.

Thank you ever so much for being faithful to Him and starting this site. I have used it frequently to spur me on in my daily challenges.

Even after attending a Christian college for 4 years, I still don't know where my niche as an artist is: but by the grace of God I will keep trusting Him one day at a time, and one step at a time.

Keep up the encouragement and stay close to Christ, God Bless! —Victor, FL

"I am having difficulty writing to "define" what it is we do, that God has given us.
This website is helping.
I thank God for your hearing Him."  —Michael R
Bending a silver wire in a workshop
"Thanks! I needed this!
I'm trying to justify the faith of my Pastor who invited me to create art for the Church. This has been a little like a 'coming out' for me since up to this time my art as been private—only for myself and family.
Today I felt out of ideas and I started googling just to see what was out there. So glad to find your site.
P.S. I was delighted that someone else likes polymer clay.
I thought I was the only Sculpey fiend !!
God Bless !! —AM

"So this morning as I was in prayer, I asked the Lord to reveal to me what He has for events coming up. He took me to Daniel, chapter 9, where He began to reveal to me the power of prayer, which in turn led me to do a web search on biblical color for prayer. It brought me straight to your site. I was in awe of how God works! Your words are piercing and your research is so very anointed.

I just wanted to say thank you. I feel so blessed this morning and so very thankful to the Lord He opened up this wonderful door."
Venessa Harper Rose


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